Windows Basic Troubleshooting Tips.
Most of the below tips works for windows 11,10,8,7, vista and server all edition.
Windows Tips to enable Aero Cursors.
Windows Tips to enable Aero Cursors.
Windows Troubleshooting tips 1.
Microsoft windows operating system has included new aero cursors that is not turned on by default. To troubleshooting this in windows OS, Follow the steps below.
:Right click on desktop and select personalize. Click on the mouse cursors item to select a graphics different mouse cursor scheme. Change the scheme from none to Windows Aero.Click OK to see the new AERO mouse cursors.
:Right click on desktop and select personalize. Click on the mouse cursors item to select a graphics different mouse cursor scheme. Change the scheme from none to Windows Aero.Click OK to see the new AERO mouse cursors.
Kill Security center notification problem in Windows OS.
Windows Troubleshooting tips 2:
Windows security center remind you all the time about anti virus. New easy way to disable the security center messages. Click on the Security Center/Windows Security Alerts logo in the system tray. Click change the way Security Center alerts me. Select I do not want notification messages from Security Center.
Use small icons size tip for Windows.
Windows Troubleshooting Tips large icon.
The Windows icon size of the recently run programs list on the Start Menu is set to large by default. This is great if you like the large icons but it also cuts down on the number of recently run programs that can be displayed. Follow the steps below to give Start Menu a cleaner look.

disable large icons problem.
Right click on the start button and select properties.
Click on the customize button.
Scroll to the bottom of the list and remove the check from use large icons.
You can now also increase the number of recently run programs in windows OS that are displayed to something larger than 9.
Hit OK when you are finished.
Scroll to the bottom of the list and remove the check from use large icons.
You can now also increase the number of recently run programs in windows OS that are displayed to something larger than 9.
Hit OK when you are finished.
Windows additional clock Configuration.
Windows Vista tips to add additional clocks to the system tray. Click the clock, and then click date and time settings. Click the additional clocks tab. You can add one or two additional clocks to the tray and select their time zones.
Here is more Windows Operating System Features.
Here is more Windows Operating System Features.
Microsoft's word and notepad document more secure.
You can create XML documents, which are more secure than regular text files or even word processor docs. Just create a document in a word processor, print(not print out ) it via the options menu, and select the XPS printer. That's it You have secure document.
Windows Home Basic Internet Explorer Problem.
If you’re annoyed by Internet Explorer’s incessant barking that you’ve lowered your security settings, launch “GPEDIT.MSC” from either the Run command or Start Search field, navigate through Local Computer Policy / Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / Windows Vista Components / Internet Explorer. In the rightmost pane, double-click “Turn off the Security Settings Check feature” and set it to Enabled.GPEDIT full form is Group Policy EDITor Console. .MSC full form is MicroSoft Configuration or MicroSoft management Console.
Windows Task manager for troubleshooting.
The Windows Task Manager gives you a lot more troubleshooting information in Vista.Click ctr+alt+del, Flip to the Processes tab, and in the View menu, click select columns and add description, command line, and Image path name. Moreover, when you right-click a process, you can select either go to service(s) or open file location. These are all long overdue options.
Displaying Run command on the windows Desktop.
You can create a shortcut for the Run command on desktop. From the start menu, go to all programs / accessories, drag a shortcut for Run to the desktop. Vista displaying Run on the start menu by default, Run is not shown when you open the start menu.To enable this:Right click on the task-bar, select properties click on the start menu tab. Click on the customize button scroll down and check Run (it's about 2/3's of the way towards the bottom.
Windows Tips to allow Network access without password.
In windows vista you can access computer locally without password. But it does not permit to access other network computer to access it without password. But you can change this default setting.
Go to run and type there “GPEDIT.MSC”.
It will open group policy. Now go to computer configuration- OS setting- security setting.
-Local policies(here you can set many local policy as per security demands).-security options.
Now you need to find and disable following options.
Double click on accounts: limit local account use of blank password to console login only.
There are lots of debate about Windows Hardware Requirements for hardware.
Windows vista tips to add Internet Explore7 Icon on desktop. In windows vista you can not find IE7 icon on desktop by default.
Go to run and type there “GPEDIT.MSC”.
It will open group policy. Now go to computer configuration- OS setting- security setting.
-Local policies(here you can set many local policy as per security demands).-security options.
Now you need to find and disable following options.
Double click on accounts: limit local account use of blank password to console login only.
There are lots of debate about Windows Hardware Requirements for hardware.
Windows vista tips to add Internet Explore7 Icon on desktop. In windows vista you can not find IE7 icon on desktop by default.
Add Internet Explorer shortcut to Windows Desktop.
But you can add it by registry editing.
Take back up of registry before making any changes.
Go to run and type REGEDIT.
And expand to Hkey-current user> software >Microsoft> windows > current version> explorer>HideDesktopIcons>NewStartPanel. And give value” {871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D}"=dword:00000000. If you can not find HideDesktopIcons. Then create new dword and give value as above.
Now close REGEDIT and restart the computer. REGEDIT full form is REGistry EDITor.
Take back up of registry before making any changes.
Go to run and type REGEDIT.
And expand to Hkey-current user> software >Microsoft> windows > current version> explorer>HideDesktopIcons>NewStartPanel. And give value” {871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D}"=dword:00000000. If you can not find HideDesktopIcons. Then create new dword and give value as above.
Now close REGEDIT and restart the computer. REGEDIT full form is REGistry EDITor.
Microsoft Windows Tips for Resizing hard disk Partitions.
Before windows vista each Microsoft operating system require third party software to resize partition like c: or d:/. But windows vista has inbuilt features to resize windows partition.
Select my computer and right click it.
Clicks on manage option and then select Disk Management.
Select partition on which you want to make changes like increase the size of partition or decrease the size of partition.
Note: this will not delete data on hard disk partition. But it is good if you take back up before doing such changes.
Select my computer and right click it.
Clicks on manage option and then select Disk Management.
Select partition on which you want to make changes like increase the size of partition or decrease the size of partition.
Note: this will not delete data on hard disk partition. But it is good if you take back up before doing such changes.
Access Denied error in windows computer.
When you trying to access some windows folder like document and setting, you may get error message that “access denied”. you need to change ownership of this folder. So open properties by right click on it. In security button select advance tab and click edit button. Now change ownership to your account by highlighting your account. Also select replace ownership to sub containers and apply changes.
comment: further tips for Microsoft windows will available in future.
comment: further tips for Microsoft windows will available in future.